SERVICE CANCELLED: Due to the snowstorm, all services on February 16 have been cancelled. 

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Bunk Breeds Despair

January 12, 2020 Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Job

Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: Job 8:1– 10:22

 Bildad & Job

Part One: Bildad’s Bad Counsel

A. The summary of his theology: karma (Job 8:1-3)

     1. Negative example - your kids died because (Job 8:4)

     2. Positive example — since you’re not dead yet you can repent (Job 8:5-7)

B. Source of his theology: Tradition (Job 8:8-10)

C. Specimen of his theology: just look at the plants (Job 8:11-22)

     1. Negative example — shrivelled reeds (Job 8:11-15)

     2. Positive example — resilient shoots (Job 8:16-19)

     3. Summary statement (Job 8:20-22) 

Part Two: Job’s Answer to Bildad 

A. God is too powerful to argue with (Job 9:3-10)

B. God is too invisible to argue with (Job 9:11-13)

C. God is too “other” to argue with (Job 9:14-24)

     1. His words are beyond mine (Job 9:14-16)

     2. His internal fortitude is beyond mine (Job 9:17-18)

     3. His utter strength is beyond mine (Job 9:19-21)

     4. His actions are beyond mine (Job 9:22-24)

Part Three: Job’s Potential Solutions (Job 9:25-35)

A. Live in denial (Job 9:27-29)

B. Try harder (Job 9:30-30)

C. Find a mediator (Job 9:32-35)

Part Four: Job’s Prayer (Job 10:1-22)

A. Tell me why You are harming me, God (Job 10:1-3)

B. Tell me why You are focusing on my sins, God (Job 10:4-7)

C. Tell me why You bothered to make me, God (Job 10:8-13)

D. Tell me why You won’t relent, God (Job 10:14-17)

E. Tell me why You won’t just kill me, God (Job 10:18-22)

More in Job

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The God of Trials

March 15, 2020

The God of Comfort

March 8, 2020

Him Exalting, Self Abasing