SERVICE CANCELLED: Due to the snowstorm, all services on February 16 have been cancelled. 

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What We Are Like

Every church and every Christian, even when holding to an identical doctrinal basis, has its own distinctives, its own way of living on the basis of what is true. Here are four distinctives of this community of Christians.

Gospel Centeredness

The heart of the Christian faith is the firm confidence that Jesus died for our sins and was raised from the dead. This is not a message we believe just one time in order to be saved, but a foundational truth that impacts all that we do and all that we are. At Grace Fellowship Church we seek to constantly ask ourselves, “What differences does the death and resurrection of Jesus make here and now?”

Meaningful Membership

We believe that healthy, obedient Christians ought to pursue membership in a local church and that a healthy church values meaningful membership that asks, expects and delivers a serious level of commitment to the other members. We will have more to say about this in what follows.

Deliberate Meetings

Grace Fellowship Church has been structured around the corporate meetings of God’s people. Each of these services has a distinct purpose and together they form a “well-balanced diet” for the Christian. On Sunday mornings we focus on preaching the Word of God through expository exultation. On Sunday evenings we teach and evangelize our children through GraceKids while the adults gather for our weekly prayer meeting and a brief time of instruction. On Wednesday evenings we concentrate on building intentional spiritual friendships through various groups and studies. Our GraceYouth class also meets on Wednesday nights.

Biblical Leadership

We believe that the New Testament model of church leadership calls for biblically-qualified elders to lead the church while remaining accountable to the membership. For this reason our elders are approved by the members and re-evaluated on a regular basis. Furthermore, the elders depend upon the members of the church for input and assent on all important decisions regarding finances, direction, ministry, personnel and so on.