SERVICE CANCELLED: Due to the snowstorm, all services on February 16 have been cancelled. 

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How to Write a Testimony

Here are some leading questions to help you write out your testimony. You do not need to follow these sections exactly or answer every one of the questions. Rather, they are intended to spur your thinking. A testimony may be just a paragraph or two, or it may be a couple of pages long. There is no magic formula. The most important thing is to be yourself and speak clearly to the work God has done in your life.

1. What I was like:

  • My family, friends, and interests were...

  • I found my hope and security in...

  • My religious background & attitude about Christ was... 

2. What God used to begin to open my eyes:

  • I was awakened to my need for Christ by (people, books, meeting, circumstances, etc)...

  • What I understood and noticed (about myself, God, others) at this point was...

3. What it was I saw and understood:

  • Those aspects of the gospel that touched me were...

  • I came to understand that Christ...

  • A particular Scripture that the Lord used to draw me to Him was...

  • I saw my need was....

4. How Christ is affecting my life:

  • My relationships with...

  • My attitude toward...

  • My desires now are...

  • A difficult area of obedience is...

5. Why I want to be a member of Grace Fellowship Church:

  • I obeyed the Lord and was baptized on...

  • I hope to serve in this church by...

  • What I value about this church is...

  • What I value about church membership is...