SERVICE CANCELLED: Due to the snowstorm, all services on February 16 have been cancelled. 

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Grace Fellowship Church is a member of the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches (FEB Canada).

We also maintain a close association with many local churches with whom we share a deep affinity in the gospel of Jesus Christ. These churches include:

Here are some of the key relationships that are important to Grace Fellowship Church:

The Grace Connexion is a network of like-minded reformed, evangelical, and baptistic churches in the Greater Toronto Area committed to partnering together for the proclamation of the gospel, the making, and the maturing of disciples in our city, our country, and throughout the world. 

The Toronto Gospel Alliance is a network of like-minded reformed, evangelical pastors in the Greater Toronto Area who are committed to partnering together to support one another as they take the gospel to our city and beyond.  

Hogtown Pastors Fellowship is a growing group of senior pastors in Toronto and beyond who are seeking to build and maintain pastoral relationships across the city in the spirit of Gospel coordination. 

We also find significant affinity and fellowship with many ministries including:

The Gospel Coalition is a group of pastors and churches that exist to promote gospel-centered ministry and biblically-faithful resources for the church. Grace Fellowship Church shares the doctrinal convictions and theological vision for ministry as outlined in their Foundation Documents.

The Gospel Coalition Canada is a national coalition of churches across the country committed to the priority and application of the gospel in a Canadian context. The "north/south" relationship has been strong with brothers and sisters down in the States, but there has never been an effective relationship "east/west". The goal of TGC Canada is to build partnerships across the country to help one another advance the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

9Marks Ministries, founded by Pastor Mark Dever, pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, DC, has been formative in our understanding of how a church is to be governed. 

Desiring God Ministries has influenced Grace Fellowship Church primarily through the writing and preaching of Pastor John Piper. Though we are not in formal affiliation with Desiring God, we share John Piper’s convictions about the Bible’s teaching on God’s sovereignty, salvation, mission, suffering, and the way one should live the Christian life.