Grace Fellowship Church periodically runs a Pastoral Internship for one to two men. It is a 12-week, full-time intensive program.
Interns are required to meet on-site at Grace Fellowship Church on Monday mornings, plus Tuesday through Friday workdays (9-5). In addition, interns are required to attend all the public meetings of Grace Fellowship Church and other evening and weekend meetings connected to their internship as assigned (hospital visits, counseling sessions, etc).
The internship includes personal mentoring plus ministry involvement and exposure. However, the brunt of the internship consists of assigned readings in the areas of pastoral ministry, spiritual development, Baptist church life (ecclesiology), and Bible proclamation (preaching). The interns will submit a written paper each week interacting with these readings. These papers form the basis of a weekly group discussion on the topics assigned.
Applicants should be men who have completed seminary training or are near completion with the intention to pursue full-time pastoral ministry. Existing pastors looking for a useful sabbatical program might also consider applying. There are no age restrictions.
- The interns will meet on Monday mornings (8:30AM-12PM) with the staff elders of Grace Fellowship Church to review the previous Sunday gatherings, work through a particular text together, consider various pastoral situations and discuss their reading from the previous week. These sessions are led by the Senior Pastor, Paul Martin.
- Interns will join the staff meeting on Tuesday mornings, as well as the regular Elders' Meetings, as observers.
- On Friday afternoons, the interns will meet with the staff elders for the weekly sermon preview, service preview, and final preparation for Sunday.
- Much of the other office time throughout the week will be devoted to reading and writing. Weekly papers must be submitted by 5PM each Friday.
- Interns are expected to apply for membership at Grace Fellowship Church (if not members already) and attend all services of the church. They will also be invited to attend certain other meetings as observers
- Each intern will be remunerated (a stipend paid out over the course of the internship) and supplied with books for the assigned readings.
If you have any questions or would be interested in a future Intership, please contact us at Or, fill out the Application Form below.