Wolf-haunted and Lonely
December 1, 2019 Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Job
Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: Job 3:1–26
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A Curse: Curse the day of my birth and the night of my conception
1. Reverse the day of my birth (Job 3:4-5)
2. Remove the night of my conception (Job 3:6-10)
A Lament: Death is better than this life
1. It would have been better to die at birth (Job 3:11-15)
2. It would have been better to be stillborn (Job 3:16-19)
A Question: Why go on when only trouble comes? (Job 3:20-26)

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The God of TrialsMarch 15, 2020
The God of ComfortMarch 8, 2020
Him Exalting, Self Abasing