(14) The Holy War
June 10, 2012 Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Stand and Conquer: The Revelation Series
Scripture: Revelation 12
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1. You are in this war (1-6)
a. You are the woman
b. Your enemy is evil
2. You have as good as won (7-12)
a. The decisive victory is won
b. The decisiver won't give up
3. You will be viciously attacked until the end (13-17)
a. Yet you will be safe in the persecution
b. Yet you will be safe in the flood of lies

More in Stand and Conquer: The Revelation Series
October 28, 2012
(28) What Does God Want?October 21, 2012
(27) The New Jerusalem (Part Three)October 14, 2012
(26) The New Jerusalem (Part Two)