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Don't Give Up!

March 6, 2011 Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Hebrews

Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: Hebrews 10:32–39


Title: Don't Give Up!
Series: Hebrews: Jesus is Better
Speaker: Paul W. Martin
Bible: Hebrews 10:32-39
Date: March 6, 2011

Don't Give Up!

1. Remember the Bad Old Days
A. Remember how you endured strenuous suffering (32)
B. Remember how you were ridiculed (33)
C. Remember how you lost your stuff… with joy (34)

2. Choose Hope Over Despair!
A. Walk with holy boldness (35)
B. Prepare to stick it out (36)
C. Keep your eyes on the Forever High Priest Jesus (37-39)

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