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Dreadful Apostasy

February 20, 2011 Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Hebrews

Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: Hebrews 10:26–31


Title: Dreadful Apostasy
Series: Hebrews: Jesus is Better
Speaker: Paul W. Martin
Bible: Hebrews 10:26-31
Date: February 20, 2011


Can a true Christian lose her salvation?

Can the severity or amount of my sins go beyond the sacrifice of Jesus?

1. What Characterizes an Apostate

A. He has more than a passing knowledge of the Gospel (26)

B. He continues to intentionally reject the Gospel he once acted like he believed (29)

i. He rejects the person of Jesus

ii. He rejects the work of Jesus

iii. He blasphemes the Holy Spirit

2. What happens to an Apostate?

A. He will finish his days with the one dreadful expectation of hell (27)

B. God Himself will justly repay him for his rejection of Christ (28, 30-31)

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