SERVICE CANCELLED: Due to the snowstorm, all services on February 16 have been cancelled. 

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Don't Worry

January 31, 2010 Speaker: Julian Freeman Series: Sermon on the Mount

Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: Matthew 6:25–34


1. Don't worry: Consider what you see (25-30)
a) Look at the birds, the Father feeds them (26-27)
b) Learn from the fields, the Father clothes them (28-30)

2) Don't worry: Consider your God (31-34)
a) The Gentiles 'run after' these things (32a)
b) Your heavenly Father knows what you need (32b)
c) You've got better things to do (33)
d) Today's got enough troubles (34)
e) Because of Jesus

More in Sermon on the Mount

March 22, 2009

A Line in the Sand

January 4, 2009

Live Like God

November 23, 2008

Ask the God Who Loves to Give