A Line in the Sand
March 22, 2009 Speaker: Julian Freeman Series: Sermon on the Mount
Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: Matthew 7:13–29
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The Gospel of Matthew:
"The King and His Kingdom"
'A Line in the Sand'
[Matthew 7:13-29]
1. Two Paths (:13-14)
--- a. What's the Difference?
--- b. Why Does It Matter?
2. Two Trees (:15-20)
--- a. What's the Difference?
--- b. Why Does It Matter?
3. Two Claims (:21-23)
--- a. What's the Difference?
--- b. Why Does It Matter?
4. Two Houses (:24-27)
--- a. What's the Difference?
--- b. Why Does It Matter?
5. Two Possible Conclusions… (:28-29)

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