Let's Get Practical: Personal Evangelism in Acts
March 9, 2008 Series: Acts: The Book of the Church
Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: Acts 8:26–40, Acts 26:15–13
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Acts Series - The Message of the Church
Let's Get Practical: Personal Evangelism in Acts.
1) Begin with a question.
2) Don't assume people understand the Gospel.
--- Make sure that people in your family, neighbourhood or at work know, understand what you believe.
--- Open your mouth. If you don't speak you are not doing evangelism.
3) Use the Bible in your evangelism.
--- Share whatever you learn from your personal devotions and tie it to Jesus.
4) Seek to persuade people to become Christians.
--- We are not only trying to win arguments about truth, we are seeking to win people.
More in Acts: The Book of the Church
June 8, 2008
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