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The Apostles' Teaching in Acts

May 11, 2008 Speaker: Tom Gee Series: Acts: The Book of the Church

Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: Acts 2:42–47


Through the preaching of the Gospel the church has begun.

Through the preaching of the whole counsel of God the church has been built up and has strengthened.

A) The context of the Apostles' teaching

--- Where do they teach?
--- When do they teach?
--- To whom do they teach?

B) The content of the Apostles' teaching

--- What was it that they were bringing to people?

C) The consequence of the Apostles' teaching

--- What were the results?

More in Acts: The Book of the Church

June 8, 2008

The Leadership Structure of the Early Church

May 18, 2008

Suffering in the Life of the Early Church

May 4, 2008

The Fellowship in Acts