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Love Abides Fruitfully

February 22, 2009 Speaker: Paul Martin Series: The Gospel of John

Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: John 15:1–16


Believe on Jesus Your Saviour:
The Gospel of John

Part 43: 'Love Abides Fruitfully'
[John 15:1-16]

I. Every Person's Connection to Jesus Determines His or Her Eternal Destiny

--- A. Some fake a union to Jesus and will be exposed (2a)
--- B. Some have a genuine union to Jesus and will be refined (2b)

II. Every Christian's “Abiding in Jesus” Determines His or Her Spiritual Productivity

--- A. This union is reciprocal, not just vital (4)
--- B. This union, when maintained, results in massive spiritual productivity (5)
--- C. This union, when faked, results in eternal judgment (6)
--- D. This union, when acted on, garners results
--- --- i. Prayers are answered (7)
--- --- ii. The Father is glorified by much fruit (8)

III. Every Christian's “Level of Abiding” Can Be Objectively Evaluated

--- You can evaluate your abiding in Jesus by:

--- A. your level of obedience (9-10)
--- B. your experience of joy (11)
--- C. the extent of your sacrificial love of others (12-13)
--- D. the extent of your experiential intimacy with God (15)
--- E. the quantity of your lasting fruit (16)

More in The Gospel of John

August 16, 2009


August 9, 2009

The Resurrection of God

June 21, 2009

The Death of God