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Jesus is the Life

November 9, 2008 Speaker: Paul Martin Series: The Gospel of John

Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: John 11


Believe on Jesus Your Saviour:
The Gospel of John

Part 35: 'Jesus is the Life'
[John 11]

The Sovereign God:

1. Creates circumstances that demand belief on Jesus (:1-16)

--- A. Genuine Love
--- B. Genuine Authority

2. Prepares individuals to believe on Jesus (:17-32)

--- A. Martha (:17-27)
--- B. Mary (:28-32)

3. Conquers death through Jesus (:33-44)

--- A. The Emotion
--- B. The Action

4. Calls You to Believe on Jesus! (:45-54)

More in The Gospel of John

August 16, 2009


August 9, 2009

The Resurrection of God

June 21, 2009

The Death of God