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Caught in Adultery

March 30, 2008 Speaker: Paul Martin Series: The Gospel of John

Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: John 7:53


I. The Text

--- A. Where did it come from?
--- B. Why is it in our Bible?
--- C. Why does this matter?

II. The Story

--- A. There was a bunch of hypocrites...
--- B. There was an offended Saviour...
--- C. There was an adulterous woman...

III. The Lessons

--- A. There's no 'tolerance mantra' here;
--- B. God hates hypocrisy;
--- C. There is hope for sinners.

More in The Gospel of John

August 16, 2009


August 9, 2009

The Resurrection of God

June 21, 2009

The Death of God