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John the Baptist Verifies JESUS is Your Saviour

September 23, 2007 Speaker: Paul Martin Series: The Gospel of John

Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: John 1:19–51


Believe on Jesus Your Saviour:
The Gospel of John - part 03

I. John Verifies JESUS is the Saviour to the Religious Establishment

--- A. What John (the Baptist) was not

--- --- 1. The Christ
--- --- 2. Elijah
--- --- 3. The Prophet

--- B. What Jesus is

--- --- 1. Presently unknown
--- --- 2. Of Incomparable Value

II. John Verifies JESUS is the Saviour to the World

--- A. The Lamb Saves

--- B. The Lamb Pre-exists all things

--- C. The Lamb is approved

--- D. The Lamb is The One

III. John Verifies JESUS is the Saviour to His Closest Followers

More in The Gospel of John

August 16, 2009


August 9, 2009

The Resurrection of God

June 21, 2009

The Death of God