The Three 3's of Justification
June 25, 2006 Speaker: Paul Martin
Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: Galatians 3, Philippians 3, Romans 3
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I. David's example:
1 Samuel 21-23
1) David obeying God in a panic;
2) David openly seeking and obeying God Who was his ROCK OF ESCAPE.
II. The New Testament example:
1 Corinthians 10:13
'... with the temptation He will also provide the WAY OF ESCAPE'.
III. The Three 3's of Justification:
1) Romans 3 -------- (v.21-25a)
2) Galatians 3 ----- (v.10-14)
3) Philippians 3 --- (v. 8-11)