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Ecclesiastes 3-5: Part 2

April 9, 2006 Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Living the Good Life

Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3


II. Life is nothing but futility and frustration, until you embrace the sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man before God (part 2 - chapters 3-4)

Solomon's objections to God's sovereignty:

1) There is unrighteousness where there ought to be justice (3:16);
--- Answer (3:17)

2) Man is just like an animal (3:18-21);
--- Answer (3:22)

3) Oppression reigns on the earth (4:1-3);
--- Answer (Solomon doesn't give the answer to this matter yet)

4) Rivalry drives everything (4:4);
--- Answer (4:5-6)

5) Loneliness is everywhere (4:7-8);
--- Answer (9-12)

6) Fame is flitting (4:13-15);
--- Answer (4:16)

Conclusion: 'God makes everything beautiful in its time.'

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