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An Appeal For God-Delighting Worship - part 2

April 9, 2006 Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Romans

Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: Romans 12:1–2


I. Don't be conformed to this age.

a) What to not be conformed?
b) What is "this age"?
---- systems, expectations, values of the world we live in;
---- "passions of your former ignorance";
---- something that exhorts a lot of pressure called "peer pressure";
---- pressure to be politically correct;
---- expectation of fashion.
c) What do we have to do to not be conformed?

II. Be transformed by renewing your mind.

a) What is this transformation?
b) How this transformation takes place?
c) Why your mind needs to be renewed?
d) What is the purpose of this?

More in Romans

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Part 2: Why I Am Not Guilty?

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Part 3: Questions & Answers - B

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Part 3: Questions & Answers - A