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Ecclesiastes 7:15-29

July 16, 2006 Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Living the Good Life

Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: Ecclesiastes 7


III. A wise man will look at life with God's wisdom and will focus on obeying God and enjoy the gifts God sovereignly gives and takes away (part 3 - chapter 7:15-29)


Don't assume you know what God is doing based on what's happening in a person's life!

What you see outwardly does not necessarily reflect the reality of what is happening internally.

I. False righteousness (:16)

II. The solution of false righteousness is not to be wicked (:17)

III. The solution: the wisdom fears God (:18-19)

IV. Our hearts are corrupted by sin (:20-22)

V. Conclusion (:23-29)

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