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I Died to Sin - 3

April 17, 2005 Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Romans

Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: Romans 6:15–23


I. You must not sin since you are owned by a new Master (6:16-19)
A. Principle: You are a slave to whatever you obey

B. Reality: You (Christian) are released from sin

C. Obligation: You must serve your new Master with the same
devotion with which you served the old!

II. You must not sin since you have been granted a new Life (6:20-23)

A. Reality of your old life – death
B. Reality of your new life – life!
C. Conclusion: What are you?

More in Romans

September 2, 2007

Part 2: Why I Am Not Guilty?

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Part 3: Questions & Answers - B

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Part 3: Questions & Answers - A