SERVICE CANCELLED: Due to the snowstorm, all services on February 16 have been cancelled. 

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The Guilty Verdict is In

December 15, 2024 Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Good News for a Weary World

Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: Romans 3:9–20


1. The Official Charge: We are all sinners (9)

2. The Indisputable Evidence: Four proofs (10-18)

a. Exhibit A: Your heart is dead
i. You are guilty in your spiritual standing (10)
ii. You are wrong in your spiritual understanding (11a)
iii. You are dead in your Godward aspirations (11b)
iv. You are lost in your spiritual direction (12a)
v. You are ruined in your spiritual ability (12b)
vi. You are void of a single spiritually good deed (12c)

b. Exhibit B: Your mouth is foul
i. Your words spew from an inner grave (13a)
ii. Your words try to lead others astray (13b)
iii.Your words attempt murder (13c)
iv. Your words are full of evil (14)

c. Exhibit C: Your walk is broken (15-17)

d. Exhibit D: Your eyes are blind (18)

3. The Final Verdict: We are all guilty (19-20)

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