SERVICE CANCELLED: Due to the snowstorm, all services on February 16 have been cancelled. 

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“Do What I’ve Told You to Do” - God

September 15, 2024 Speaker: Connery Vanderkooy

Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: James 4:17


  1. Fact One: You can know the right thing to do
    1. Proof One: God’s world shows the truth
    2. Proof Two: God’s Word speaks the truth
    3. Proof Three: God’s Spirit brings to mind the truth
    4. Proof Four: Your conscience testifies to the truth…hopefully
  2. Fact Two: You can decide not to do the right thing
    1. Proof One: You have an arrogant heart
    2. Proof Two: Your arrogant heart motivates you to fail
  3. Fact Three: You can be sure you are sinning if you decide not to do the right thing