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The Toxic Taxonomy of Sin

August 18, 2024 Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Good News for a Weary World

Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: Romans 1:28–32


  1. Classification One: The World is Full of Sinfulness - Everyone in the world has these four sinful genes in their spiritual DNA. 
    1. Unrighteousness - any behaviour out of line with God’s character
    2. Evil - maliciously wicked
    3. Covetousness - unrestrained greed for what you think will provide joy
    4. Malice  - depraved, malicious, hostile, ill-intended plots 
  1. Classification Two: The World is Full of Actual Sins - Everyone in the world is prone to some or all of these five relational sins.
    1. Envy - lusting for what another has
    2. Murder - wrongful taking of another’s life
    3. Strife - contentions, fights with others
    4. Deceit - craftiness, plotting to take advantage of others
    5. Maliciousness - similar to malice; plotting evil against others
  1. Classification Three: The World is Full of Sinners - Everywhere in the world you will find these twelve kinds of sinners. 
    1. Gossips - one who whispers the secrets of others
    2. Slanderers - one who defames others
    3. Haters of God - one who despises his Creator
    4. Insolent - one who proudly mistreats others
    5. Haughty - one who is arrogant and exalts himself over others
    6. Boastful - one who lives like an imposter, trying to make others think better of him than he really is
    7. Inventors of evil - one who contrives or comes up with evil to do against others
    8. Disobedient to parents - one who does not honour her parents
    9. Foolish - one who does not act with  spiritual understanding
    10. Faithless - one who does not keep his promises or his word to others
    11. Heartless - one who does not practise authentic affection toward others
    12. Ruthless - one who never shows mercy to others

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