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The Parable of the Prodigal Son

May 8, 2022 Speaker: John Bell

Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: Luke 15:11–32


1. Even as the prodigal son always had the option of repenting and returning home, so also all sinners, however wicked, may confess their sins and turn to God in humble repentance (11-20a).

2. Even as the father went to elaborate lengths to offer reconciliation to the prodigal son, so also God offers all people, however undeserving, lavish forgiveness of sin if they are willing to accept it (20b-24).

3. Even as the older brother should not have begrudged his brother’s reinstatement but rather rejoiced in it, so those who claim to be God’s people should be glad and not mad that God extends his grace even to the most undeserving (25-32).