Rely on the Lord
June 27, 2021 Speaker: Paul Martin
Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: 2 Chronicles 14:1– 16:14
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1. A person who relies on God…
a. Rejects religious formalism (2 Chronicles 14:3-4, 7)
b. Acts in bold dependence (2 Chronicles 14:9, 11)
c. Obeys the preached Word (2 Chronicles 15:1–16)
2. A person who forgets to rely on God…
a. Settles for politics, instead of miracles (2 Chronicles 16:1-6)
b. Leans on what he can see, not the great Unseen (2 Chronicles 16:7–9)
c. Rejects the preached Word (2 Chronicles 16:10)