SERVICE CANCELLED: Due to the snowstorm, all services on February 16 have been cancelled. 

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Holding Fast to Him

June 7, 2020 Speaker: Paul Martin Series: The Church We Want To Be

Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: Revelation 2:18–29


1. Who speaks? (18)

2. What is the church doing well? (19)

3. Where is this church messing up? (20-21)

4. What will happen if the church does not deal with this? (22-23)

5. What will happen if the church does deal with this?

     a. They will persevere  (24-25)

     b. They will be preserved (26-29)

More in The Church We Want To Be

July 19, 2020


June 28, 2020


June 21, 2020
