SERVICE CANCELLED: Due to the snowstorm, all services on February 16 have been cancelled. 

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Forgotten and Rejected: But not by God

February 23, 2020 Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Job

Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: Job 27:1– 31:40


I. Job swears on a stack of Bibles he is blameless (Job 27:1-6)


II. Job warns his pals to repent before God judges them (Job 27:7-23)


III. Interlude: Wisdom is not in the asking of “Why?” (Job 28:1-28)


IV. Job pleads for his soul’s two desires

     a. Restore my friendship with God (Job 29:1-6)

     b. Restore my ability to do good in the world (Job 29:7-25)


V. Job asserts that “now is hell” since he suffers indignity from evil men because he can no longer do justice with his wealth and power gone (Job 30:1-31)


VI. Job asserts that he is innocent and God (might be) unjust

     a. I am not fantasizing evil (Job 31:1-4)

     b. I am not a liar (Job 31:5-6)

     c. I have not turned away from God (Job 31:7-8)

     d. I am not an adulterer (Job 31:9-12)

     e. I am not unjust to my servants (Job 31:13-15)

     f. I am not stingy to the needy (Job 31:16-20)

     g. I am not one who takes advantage of the helpless (Job 31:21-23)

     h. I am not trusting in my money (Job 31:24-25) 

     i. I am not worshiping idols (Job 31:26-28) 

     j. I am not vindictive to my enemies (Job 31:29-30)

     k. I have not been inhospitable (Job 31:31-32)

     l. I am not a religious hypocrite (Job 31:33-34)

     m. I am not guilty (Job 31:35-40)

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The God of Trials

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The God of Comfort

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