Jesus the Greater Priest
December 22, 2019 Speaker: Paul Martin Series: The Greater Prophet, Priest & King
Topic: Topical Sermons Scripture: Genesis 14:1–24, Hebrews 7:1–3, Exodus 28:12–38
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1. The Priest of Blessing (Gen 14, Heb 7:1-3)
2. The Priest of Intercession
a. The Ephod (smock) with shoulder stones: To remind him he bore all of God's people to the Lord (Ex 28:12)
b. The Breastpiece of Judgement with Decisions stones: To remind him that he bore the cares and concerns of all the people to the Lord (Ex 28:30)
c. The Golden Headplate with Dedication Message: To remind him he bore the responsibility of making Israel right with their Holy God (Ex 28:36-38)
3. Jesus Christ, the Greater Priest
a. Jesus Christ is the Greater Melchizedek
b. Jesus Christ is the Greater Aaron (Heb 5:1-10)
i. Christ, our Greater Priest, bore our sins.
ii. Christ, our Greater Priest, bears our concerns
iii. Christ, our Greater Priest, bears our names before God the Father
iv. Christ, our Greater Priest, made atonement
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