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Who Is This?

August 2, 2015 Speaker: John Bell Series: Topical Sermons

Topic: Topical Sermons Scripture: Mark 4:34–5:20

Big Picture: Jesus’ power was a manifestation of the Holy Spirit of God, thus fulfilling messianic prophesy that the Lord’s Anointed would minister in the power of God’s Spirit.

Point # 1: Jesus is the divine Anointed One who pushes back the kingdom of darkness by rebuking a storm whipped up by evil forces to impede his ministry to gentiles.

      · Note the fear of the disciples – both before and after the storm.

Point # 2: In the midst of total impurity, Jesus, the divine Anointed One, pushes back the kingdom of darkness by vanquishing an entire army of demons.

      · Note the fear of the impure spirit before the exorcism

      · Note the fear of the townspeople after the exorcism

Point # 3: Jesus, the divine Anointed One, pushes back the kingdom of darkness by leaving behind a radically transformed missionary to testify about him.

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