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(23) The Millennium

September 16, 2012 Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Stand and Conquer: The Revelation Series

Scripture: Revelation 20

1. The Church Age from earth’s perspective (1-3)

Satan’s deception restrained

B. People other than Jews get saved

2. The Church Age from heaven’s perspective (4-6)

Christian souls are alive with God immediately after their physical death

B. Other souls are in torment immediately after their physical death

3. The Church Age completed (7-15)

The gathering to rebel against God by all alive at the end of the church age

B. The return of Jesus to instantaneously defeat all his enemies

C. The Final Judgment by Jesus
i. Unbelievers held to account for
their lives
ii. Believers saved by grace

More in Stand and Conquer: The Revelation Series

October 28, 2012

(28) What Does God Want?

October 21, 2012

(27) The New Jerusalem (Part Three)

October 14, 2012

(26) The New Jerusalem (Part Two)