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(22) Our Mighty Conqueror

September 9, 2012 Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Stand and Conquer: The Revelation Series

Scripture: Revelation 19:11–19:21

1. The Conqueror (11-16)
   a. He looks like a conqueror
   b. He has the Name of a conqueror
   c. He does what only a conqueror can do

2. The Conqueror’s Mesage

3. The Conqueror’s Victory
   a. He condemns and judges forever the evil one
   b. He condemns and judges foever evil people

More in Stand and Conquer: The Revelation Series

October 28, 2012

(28) What Does God Want?

October 21, 2012

(27) The New Jerusalem (Part Three)

October 14, 2012

(26) The New Jerusalem (Part Two)