(18) Hope and Justice
July 29, 2012 Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Stand and Conquer: The Revelation Series
Scripture: Revelation 15–16
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1. Hope: The Lamb wins - and so do all of His faithful followers (15:2-4)
a. Conquerors
b. Worshipers
2. Justice: God judges all the rest of mankind
a. Every natural hope is destroyed
i. Affliction (2)
ii. Destruction (3)
iii. Deprivation (4-7)
iv. Torment (8-9)
b. Every false spiritual confidence is ruined
i. Distress (10-11)
ii. Deception (12-16)
iii. Default (17-19)

More in Stand and Conquer: The Revelation Series
October 28, 2012
(28) What Does God Want?October 21, 2012
(27) The New Jerusalem (Part Three)October 14, 2012
(26) The New Jerusalem (Part Two)