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(1) Why Does God Speak to You about Jesus in This Strange Way?

February 12, 2012 Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Stand and Conquer: The Revelation Series

Scripture: Revelation 1:1–1:8

Follow this link for a partial transcript of a sermon that was not recorded due to technical difficulties. 


1. God speaks to you in this way to make you live like Jesus

      a. This is a letter to you (1:4)

      b. This is a prophecy to you (1:3)


2. God speaks to you in this way to display the true glory of Jesus

      a. He uses apocalyptic language to show you Jesus in His present glory (1:1)

      b. He reveals Jesus in His glory so you will boldly stand and conquer now (1:1-8)


More in Stand and Conquer: The Revelation Series

October 28, 2012

(28) What Does God Want?

October 21, 2012

(27) The New Jerusalem (Part Three)

October 14, 2012

(26) The New Jerusalem (Part Two)