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Part 1: The End of Sin Revealed

July 26, 2009 Speaker: Julian Freeman Series: Lamentations Series

Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: Lamentations 1


1. The End of Sin Revealed

--- a. The Story of the Jews
--- b. The Witness of Lamentations

2. The End of Sin: Sin's Goal is Guilt

--- a. What does sin promise?
--- b. What happened to Jerusalem?

3. The End of Sin: Sin's Result is Wrath

--- a. What does sin promise?
--- b. What happened to Jerusalem?

4. The End of Sin: Sin's Price Must Be Paid

--- a. What does sin promise?
--- b. What happened to Jerusalem?
--- c. Who pays the price?

More in Lamentations Series

August 2, 2009

Part 2: The Faithfulness of God