Question 26: What Will the ‘After-Life' Be Like?
July 12, 2009 Speaker: Julian Freeman Series: 26 Questions
Topic: Expository Preaching
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26 Questions (You Should be Asking)
Question 26: Is ‘heaven' really our future? What will it be like? Won't I get bored?
Answer: Yes and no. Great! No. Here's why…
I. The future of christians is living eternally with God in the new heavens and the new earth
--- 1. Heaven is a place, not a state of mind
--- 2. The physical creation will be renewed and we will continue to exist and act in it
--- 3. Our resurrection bodies will be part of the renewed creation
II. We can store up treasures in heaven now
III. It will be a place of great beauty and abundance and joy in the presence of God
--- 1. A place of beauty and joy
--- 2. A place of abundance
--- 3. A place with no death or pain
--- 4. A place free from evil
--- 5. A place where God is
IV. Application: Core Values
--- 1. Truth
--- 2. Freedom
--- 3. Delight
More in 26 Questions
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