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The Call for Consistent Speech

July 27, 2008 Speaker: Julian Freeman Series: James - A Call to Consistency

Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: James 3:1–12


A Call to Consistency - James Series

Part 05:

James 3:1-12
‘The Call for Consistent Speech'

1. A Warning for Would-Be Teachers [:1-5a]

--- a. The Warning;
--- b. The Reasoning;
--- c. The Illustrations;

2. The Christian and His Tongue [:5b-12]

--- a. The Warning;
--- b. The Reasoning;
--- c. A Call to Consistency.

More in James - A Call to Consistency

August 31, 2008

A Final Call to Consistency

August 24, 2008

The Judge Stands at the Door

August 17, 2008

Planning to Please God