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Messages from 2 Timothy

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November 20, 2022

Fortify Yourself with the Grace of Jesus Christ

Speaker: Yanick Ethier Topic: Guest Speaker Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:1–10

July 12, 2015

Christ Alone

Speaker: Tim Challies Series: Alone Together Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:1–7

May 10, 2015

Scripture Alone

Speaker: Tim Challies Series: Alone Together Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:14–3:17

April 27, 2014

Why Do We Preach?

Speaker: Tim Challies Series: Why? Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:1–4:4

April 20, 2014

Why Do We Read the Bible?

Speaker: Tim Challies Series: Why? Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16–3:17

April 12, 2010

TPF - The Pastor As... Prepared

Speaker: Carl Muller Series: Toronto Pastors Fellowship Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: 2 Timothy 4

March 8, 2010

TPF - The Pastor as... Evangelist

Speaker: Joe Boot Series: Toronto Pastors Fellowship Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:5

March 8, 2010

TPF - Q&A - Pastor as... Evangelist

Speaker: Joe Boot Series: Toronto Pastors Fellowship Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: 1 Peter 3:15, 2 Timothy 4:5

January 11, 2010

TPF - The Pastor as: Aware of Times

Speaker: Kirk Wellum Series: Toronto Pastors Fellowship Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:3–5

December 6, 2009

TPF - The Pastor as... Counsellor

Speaker: Tim Kerr Series: Toronto Pastors Fellowship Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: 2 Timothy 4

October 26, 2009

TPF - The Pastor as... Preacher

Speaker: Brian Robinson Series: Toronto Pastors Fellowship Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:1–2

September 28, 2009

TPF - The Pastor as... Competent

Speaker: David Robinson Series: Toronto Pastors Fellowship Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: 2 Timothy 3

April 20, 2009

TPF: Pastor, Preach God!

Speaker: Darryl Dash Series: Toronto Pastors Fellowship Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:1–8

February 9, 2009

TPF - Pastor, Preach the Text!

Speaker: Pierre Constant Series: Toronto Pastors Fellowship Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:10

October 19, 2008

Question 01: How Can I Know What is True?

Speaker: Julian Freeman Series: 26 Questions Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:15–17, Psalm 19

September 22, 2008

TPF - Pastor, Mentor the Young Men!

Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Toronto Pastors Fellowship Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: 2 Timothy 2

November 26, 2006

The Firm Foundation

Speaker: Paul Martin Topic: Expository Preaching Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:13–19

May 16, 2005

Preaching with Passion

Speaker: Alex Montoya Topic: Guest Speaker Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:1–5, Acts 1:8